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Is the programme accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)?

All the academic programmes of UTHM with full accredited status are listed in MQR ( while programmes with provisional status are listed in the Provisional Accreditation (PA) listing at the MQA website (

Learning & Teaching of ODL

Where can I access my learning materials?

Your learning materials can be accessed on the UTHM ODL LMS at

What does LMS stand for?

LMS stands for Learning Management System. It serves as your central platform for various learning activities throughout your educational journey.

What types of learning materials are available for ODL students?

ODL students will receive materials in diverse formats, including text (comprehensive ODL modules), video content, games, discussions, self-check tools, and audio resources, all aimed at enhancing understanding of the learning content within the LMS.

What equipment is required for teaching and learning activities?

For effective participation, you'll need a computer or laptop equipped with a camera, microphone, and speaker. Additionally, a stable internet connection and an up-to-date web browser are essential.

How can I reach out to my lecturer for academic queries?

At the start of each semester, you will receive your lecturer's contact details. Alternatively, you can find this information within the LMS.

Do I need to complete all learning activities in the LMS?

Your course completion progress will be monitored by your lecturer, and achieving a minimum of 80% completion by the end of the semester is required.

Are physical classes mandatory?

For ODL students, virtual attendance (synchronous) is mandatory, and physical classes are not required. Attendance will be recorded during synchronous classes. If you are unable to attend the virtual session, you can review the recorded video later. However, certain programs involving practical or hands-on activities may necessitate attendance at physical classes.

Where should I submit my assignments?

All assignment submissions must be made through the LMS. Your lecturer will provide guidance on the submission process.

Are there group assignments or projects?

The presence of group assignments or projects depends on your course content. The list of assignments for each course will be available on the LMS at the beginning of the semester, and your lecturer will communicate the specific types of assignments involved in your course.

UTHM ODL Programmes

What is the age limit for the ODL program?

Please refer to the entry requirements specified on the ODL website (refer to Programmes).

What is the UTHM ODL mode of study?

The UTHM ODL mode is fully online for both local and international offerings. However, international students who are required to be in Malaysia due to issues related to recognition/sponsorship may have physical face-to-face sessions.

Is the tuition fee for ODL programs the same, and how do I pay my fees?

No, fees vary for each program. Information about tuition fees can be found on the UTHM ODL website

Is the 'Open and Distance Learning' status stated on my scroll?

No, the Open and Distance Learning status only appears on your transcript.

Is the UTHM ODL program accredited?

Yes, the UTHM ODL program has been accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

Can I switch between modes of studies from part-time to full-time and vice versa?

Yes, you are allowed to change your mode of studies from part-time to full-time or vice versa, subject to academic rules and regulations.

Can I visit the campus?

Yes, you can come and visit the campus, but it is not necessary.

Where will the convocation ceremony be held?

The convocation ceremony will be held at UTHM, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor

Where can I find more information about the UTHM ODL?

Every new student will be provided with a student handbook. You can use that handbook as your essential guidance.